Services & Fees
"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come."
Joseph Campbell

Hypnosis & Depth Coaching
What is hypnosis? Perhaps the best definition is "a heightened state of focal awareness or absorption." Hypnosis is a natural state, and one we pass into and out of many times a day. It is that state we enter when we daydream, meditate or simply spend some time "lost in thought." Hypnosis is a useful tool for stress relief, relaxation, spiritual guidance, problem solving and for the introduction of new and positive beliefs about life.
Common uses for hypnotherapy include:
Relieving anxiety and stress;
Increasing self-worth and confidence;
Taping into your spiritual guidance;
Improving learning and test taking;
Sleep enhancement and relaxation;
Eliminating fears and phobias;
Smoking cessation;
Weight reduction;
Medical hypnosis (pain reduction, relaxation & guided imagery);
Regression therapy.
Transpersonal hypnotherapy focuses on achieving your highest potential through an integration of mind, body and spirit.
Depth Coaching is a facilitated process to assist you in becoming your authentic self. It can help you to achieve your goals, move easily through transitions, or discover your life purpose. In depth coaching we view life as the hero’s journey and encourage you to create the life you seek. Together we explore the work of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell as we uncover the archetypes currently active in your life, the myths you live by and ways your Shadow may sabotage your efforts. Throughout this process, know that you hold the key to all the answers you seek.
Energy Work
Reiki & Energy Work
Reiki is a Japanese healing art. Reiki is not massage, but a channeling of life force energy to the recipient. In this practice, the therapist places her hands at various positions on the client's fully clothed body (either lightly touching or holding the hands above the body).
Reiki is useful in releasing energy blockages and returning the body to its naturally balanced state. Reiki produces a feeling of total relaxation and wellbeing, while providing pain reduction and accelerated physical healing. Many scientific studies have shown benefits for energy healing practices.
Ninety minute Hypno-Reiki sessions are also available. In these sessions, hypnosis is combined with Reiki, providing stress relief, problem solving and behavioral change. Hypno/Reiki is especially beneficial for anyone finding it difficult to enter into a hypnotic state.
Kathy is a 6th Generation Reiki practitioner and offers Reiki training either one-on-one or in a small class setting. Classes include levels I, II and III/Master.
Kathy also offers other types of energy work, in which you experience the power of balancing the chakras, aligning the body's electromagnetic grids (meridians) and connecting them to their main energy centers. The benefits of this type of energy work include: restoring your electromagnetic field, releasing trauma & stress, and cleaning and clearing.
Spiritual Guidance Mentoring, Sacred Ceremonies
A spiritual guidance mentor assists others on their spiritual path to deepen their connection with Spirit and to discover more about the inner Self. As an interfaith minister, Kathy's focus is on spiritual practice found within the worlds' great wisdom traditions.
Discovering these practices can reduce stress and anxiety and calm the mind. In addition, many Jungian ideas and concepts may bring clarity to the spiritual journey. These include the exploration of ancient myths and legends, active imagination, archetypes, sand tray play and mandalas.
Kathy is also available to serve as a spiritual mediator for those wishing to resolve conflicts with family members and friends.
Celebrations & rituals
When we come together to celebrate life-altering events, we share our vulnerabilities and our dreams. These are the points in our lives when we gather with family and friends to share the wisdom, strength and love that community can offer. Sacred ceremony and rituals mark these major milestones and transitions in our lives.
The creation of ceremonies commemorate major life events: celebrations (such as weddings, christenings, home blessings, graduations and birthdays); transitions (such as funerals and divorce); healings (such as forgiveness, releasing and anointing); and initiations (moon (first menses), and wise woman rituals)).
As a Celebrant, Kathy creates personalized ceremonies to meet her clients’ needs. Each ceremony is the unique expression of an individual's life experience. The art of sacred ceremony can uncover the meaning in our lives and bring healing to some of life's most difficult transitions.
All services are available at a distance through Zoom.
Images above are from affirmation mirrors sold on Symbols of Soul's shop on Etsy.